Sunday, June 14, 2015

Welcome, Baby Jackson!

Daphne rushed to the hospital at 2 am when she went into labor. They discovered it was a boy and named him Jackson!


Daphne decided to start a garden. She has filled it with fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. It's so beautiful but a lot of work!

Moving to Newcrest!

With another baby on the way (oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that!) The Rhoades/Scott family decided to move to a bigger home in Newcrest. Here are some pictures of their new house!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Couple's Workout!

Trying to make sure her post baby body is back in full swing, Daphne and Travis do a couple's workout!

Breastfeeding> Bottle Feeding

Daphne is all for breast feeding and the benefits it brings to her new baby boy. Here is her breastfeeding Noah.

Daphne Learns the Guitar Skill

Adjusting to the changes that motherhood brings, Daphne decided to relax by taking up a new hobby. She is learning guitar!

It's a Boy!

Daphne went into labor and her and Travis rushed straight to the hospital. After having her baby delivered, they learned it was a boy. His name is Noah.